Five Things That You Have To Think About

1.What came first the color orange or the fruit???
2. How come the sun is hot on earth but it is cold in space???
3. If no one believes in a horse with a horn on its head, then why do we believe in a tall neck animal with Cheeta leopard spots, and horns???
4.Why are they called apartments when they’re together???
5. How Do mirrors work?


Don’t Open It

There was a 27 year old who lives in a apartment. Her name was Jessie.she was washing dishes after dinner. Then all of a sudden her phone rang. The caller was her friend Peter. Hey Pete what’s up she asked. Not much Peter replied. I’m bored and thought that you would like to hang out. Sure said Jessie. Come on over we can watch a movie or I will be there in 20 minutes she said cheerfully. She hung up the phone and decided to take a shower before her friend Peter arrived. While she was shampooing her hair she heard three loud knocks she got out quickly and got dressed.she opened the door. Peter was shaking. He explained that at his house there was a woman walking on all fours up the wall. But then she followed him to Jessie’s house then aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! That were never seen again. The End

The Babysitter

It was a dark and stormy night and mom and dad was going out for dinner,so they called the babysitter. Her name was Jessica. She watched soleanna,and savanna. Jessica went out for a little while,but after 20 minutes later we got worried. So Savanna called 911. When they got here they could not figure out what happened. So they thought that she was MURDERED! A couple months past by,but we figured out that she went missing was because she ran away because the kids were crazy!!!!! THE END

The Clown In The Woods

Hello,my name is Jack. Every Sunday me my sister Via and my friend Ace would go to the soccer field by the woods. Today was Sunday so we all went to the soccer field. While we were playing Ace did one of his super kicks and shot the ball right into the DEEP DARK WOODS! Ace and Via went home and i went into the woods to get the ball. I definitely felt fearful. When I was about to grab the ball I saw a clown jump out right in front of me. It had red hair wore black everything boots,shirt,pants,and gloves. I ran away as fast as i could. I found a glove of his and called the police,but they couldn’t find the clown but I showed them the glove that I found. They were so shocked when they found a stack of dead kids and three of them tied to a tree. We never went back to that soccer field again! This is the only piece of evidence of the clown that I have. THE END!

The Halloween Disaster

Once upon a halloween there were three monsters,and their names were Alison she was a white snowy owl,Fred he was frankenstein,Jose she was a spider,and Brandon he was a skeloton.They all were going to a pumpkin patch for a field trip.They were starting to get suspuois,but they kept on saying what the heck lets just trick or treating.They were in the pumpkin patch until frankenstein just got tooken by bats.We could not save him.Five years later frankenstein came back and told his friends that those were anermatronic bats because he thought  that they were crazy! The END